Senpai Rik Vayo

Senpai Vayo has been a part of Prather Martial Arts since 2006. His current rank is Yondan (四段) or 4th degree Black Belt. He has an equal passion in seeking to learn and passing on those teachings to others. Having a tri-fold focus on Kata (open hand forms), Kobudō (weapon oriented forms), and Kumite (fighting/sparing), Senpai is always trying to expand his understanding of Matsubayashi Shōrin-ryū karate and it’s application. Senpai is also the Head Coach of the Prather Martial Arts competition team.

Senpai Vayo is a Certified Referee with the AAU. He has refereed at tournaments at the State, Regional, and National level. Additionally, competing in multiple local, State, and Regional tournaments has provided much needed experience to help develop his skills. He has also competed and placed in the top three at AAU National Karate Tournaments in the years 2011 through 2019. Studied under / affiliated with:
Sensei Carl Prather
Sensei Bill George
Sensei Eihachi Ota